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Meet the Match: Zia & Beth

Little Sister Zia was matched with her Big Sister Beth in August!

Our team matched Zia and Beth because they are both laid-back people who love shopping, walks, and food.


Zia noted in her initial interview that she was looking forward to spending time away from her brothers. When Beth heard this, she couldn’t help but chuckle; she has an older brother and could immediately relate to how Zia is feeling.

Zia shared that she would like to check out Michigan’s Adventure at their initial match meeting. Although we never ask Bigs to spend money on their outings with their Littles, Beth is super excited about this idea!


We ask all of our matches to set some goals together at the beginning of their match, then annually after that. In their first year together this match would like to:

  • Explore future career options for Zia
  • Spend time cooking and baking together
  • Work on social skills

We are eager to support Beth and Zia as they navigate their new friendship. Beth will pour into Zia by igniting her potential and standing in her corner as Zia enters high school this fall.

Do you know a child, like Zia, who would benefit from having a mentor? If so, check out to get them enrolled!