Meet the Team: Melissa Kendal
March is Women’s Month! Throughout the month, Big Brothers Big Sisters will be commemorating the achievements of women in leadership roles across our agency.
Meet Melissa Kendal, BBBS’ Events Manager. Melissa manages and oversees the agency’s four major fundraising events over the course of the year (Benefit Dinner, Fire & Ice, Bowl for Kids’ Sake, and Match Makers).
Melissa is no novice when it comes to managing events. Prior to her time working for BBBS, she worked in the entertainment industry as an Events Manager, and would regularly oversee over 100 events each year. “Working here is such a different pace,” she shares, “But it’s so different, working in a non-profit rather than the entertainment industry. I love that our agency is mission driven, and I love that all of the work I do benefits the youth in our programming.”

A ballerina outside of the office, Melissa spends her free time teaching dance and taking dance classes at Ballet Arts. Outside of the studio and work, she enjoys spending time with her husband Corey, and their dog Sheila, as well as their two cats. “Other than my awesome coworkers, my favorite part of working at Big Brothers Big Sisters is the work/life balance we have. I have time to travel and go hiking and do all of the things that I love, and I get to leave my work at the office,” she explains.
Though she’s not a Big herself, Melissa encourages anyone considering to become a Big to “Just do it! Every mentor I’ve talked to about it says that it’s as impactful on them as it is on the Little. People think it’s such a huge commitment, but it just turns out to be a normal part of their lives. Plus, all the Bigs I know are awesome,” she smiles.