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What if you took a risk?

The pandemic changed everything, including volunteerism. The world we knew changed in the blink of an eye- there’s no denying that.

Due to the ongoing uncertainty of what might happen next, trends show that society is less and less interested in long-term volunteer commitments, like being a mentor.


Imagine what life would be like if you were still a kid.

How would your life be enriched if you had an additional person cheering you on? Not someone with all the answers, but someone who could help you navigate a world where answers might never come.

No one can predict what tomorrow will bring. Still, there are kids right here in our community that still want and deserve a mentor. That fact won’t change.

So, where does the rubber meet the road? How do you honor your own concerns about what tomorrow might bring, and still show up wholeheartedly for the youth in your community?


Could stepping out boldly be the answer, an act of faith and optimism?

Despite what you have experienced over the last two years, what if you signed up to be a mentor? What if you ignored the trends and said yes to a friendship that impacted your life in bigger ways than you imagined were possible?

What if, even though you don’t know what tomorrow may bring, you decided to ignite the power and promise of a local child anyway?

“I was the one who signed up to volunteer, but I feel like I’ve received so much from Jaliyah… I couldn’t imagine my life without her.” Clare, who met her Little Sister Jaliyah pre-pandemic in 2017

The truth is, even before the pandemic changed everything, you didn’t know what the next day would bring. You simply trusted that you could fulfill your commitments.

Many mentors, despite the world closing, were able to remain steadfast in the commitment they made to their mentee pre-pandemic. Yes, it looked different than anticipated as they met virtually for quite some time- but many of those matches continue to meet today. When the world began to open back up, they could resume meeting in person as they felt comfortable.

Imagine the impact those mentors have made on the lives of their mentees in the midst of a global pandemic.

Imagine the impact you could have on the life of a mentee, in the midst of a world still full of questions.


Whether it’s a walk, running errands (conversations in the car are the best!), playing board, video games, or a sport, local youth are just as hungry for connection as you.

And you have the ability to say yes. You have the ability to show up for a young person who would benefit from another person in their corner.

Big Brothers Big Sisters asks volunteers to commit to meeting with their mentee for at least two hours, twice per month, for a minimum of a year. Many mentors, however, find themselves enjoying the friendship so much that they continue to meet for years beyond the minimum expectation. And, BBBS staff will be there to support you and your Little, as well as their parent/guardian, every step of the way.

There are 100+ local kids ready and eager to meet their mentor. Those kids are looking for an additional role model in a world that feels uncertain. Those kids are looking for YOU.

Will you answer the call? Learn more about what it means to be a mentor at