A statement from our agency
The recent events in Georgia, coupled with a long history of systemic and emergent injustices perpetuated against Asian communities, reinforce the need for our agency to again state that we...
The recent events in Georgia, coupled with a long history of systemic and emergent injustices perpetuated against Asian communities, reinforce the need for our agency to again state that we...
Last month, Little Sister Takara and Big Sister Sonja were matched due to their shared love of being active and doing arts and crafts. During their first match meeting, they stayed 6...
Last month, Little Sister Amiriyae and Big Sister Sehvilla were matched due to their shared love of being outdoors and creating art.
The last few months have left many of us feeling scared, worried, and anxious. There is no question that our collective experiences have taken a toll on everyone, youth especially....
Thank you to everyone who made this year’s Bowl for Kids’ Sake a roaring success! 908 bowlers, 213 teams, and 35 corporate sponsors raised nearly $100,000 to defend the potential...
Avery Green, our Special Events Coordinator and new Big Brother, shared his story with our team this month in celebration of his new match and our Big Pride Mentoring Program....
Upon request by Big Brothers Big Sisters staff, Little Sister Angel “graded” her Big. Angel gives her Big an enthusiastic A+. Angel and her Big Sister Savanah were only matched...
You might remember, we had to cancel our Battle Creek, Marshall, and Allegan Bowl for Kids’ Sake parties. We lost $13,344 in program funding due to the in-person event cancellations....
Right now, youth are faced with unprecedented challenges and acting on information overload. Tanya Holtz, a Big Sister at Schupan, is finding meaningful ways to escape with her Little Sister...
By Marcus Allen, CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters Independence (PA) and Gale Nelson, CEO of BBBS of Miami (FL), along with Alicia Guevara, CEO of BBBS of NYC and...
Today we use our voice to advocate on issues about which we cannot be silent. The events of last night and this past week have shined a spotlight on the fear...
A match meeting takes place to introduce a Little to their Big for the first time. The Big, the Little, the Little’s caregiver, and their Big Brothers Big Sisters Match...